
Success stories

Average rating:

Ronald Beuker, 50

+6,5 KG

Watch video! 

Progressie foto Ronald

Almar Bouw,34

+5 KG in 12 weken

Progressie foto Almar

Rick van Nieuwkerk, 32

+8,5 KG

Progressie foto Rick

Luuk Rietveld, 29

+6,5 KG

Luuk Rietveld

Jordy Snel, 45

-12 KG in 12 weken

Jordy Snel

Niek Majong, 28

-12 KG in 12 weken

Niek majong progressie

David Alderliesten, 28

-5,4 KG in 8 weken

Watch video! 

Progressie foto David Alderliesten

Jordi de Haan, 30

+17 KG

-5,5 KG in 12 weken

+2,3 KG in 8 weken

-7 KG in 1 2 weken

-6,3 KG in 10 weken

Nog meer succesverhalen:

“Because he can push the envelope”

At first I thought PT wouldn't be for me. But I notice that I get better results than before in the gym. ★★★★★Read more.
Kasper Stoof

Kasper Stoof, 28

“Train more consistently”

He is easy to deal with, which means that he communicates in a pleasant way and advises and motivates me where necessary. Thanks to Jordi, I have become a more consistent trainer and focused more on achieving progress. ★★★★★ Read more.

Michelle, 27

-12 Kilogram, geweldig!

Ik heb met Jordi samengewerkt om droog te trainen en dat is aardig gelukt. (-12KG) Jordi is een zeer gemotiveerde en geduldige coach die me enorm heeft geholpen om mijn doel te behalen.★★★★★Read more.

Jordy Snel, 45

Jordy Snel

Jordi makes me feel like what I do is good!

Ik ben inmiddels 8,5 kg aangekomen in spiermassa. Dat is weergaloos. En dat zonder 1 biertje in het weekend over te slaan 😉 ★★★★★ Read more..
Progression of muscle mass

Rick van Nieuwkerk, 32

“Jordi provides the right balance”

Jordi provides the right balance, encouraging progression, but enough space/freedom to combine it with a busy job. ★★★★★Read more.
Almar Construction

Almar Bouw, 34

“More confidence and a clear routine”

Jordi De Haan Personal Training has given me the confidence to go to the gym and build up a regular exercise routine twice a week. ★★★★★ Read more.
Maarten Visser

Maarten Visser, 26

“Het is gelukt om na een blessure consistent een goed schema te volgen.”

Dankzij een persoonlijk trainingsschema en veel advies en coaching aan het begin is het gelukt om na een blessure een consistent en goed te volgen schema op te bouwen.
Read more..

David Alderliesten, 28

Progressie foto David Alderliesten

“Involved and motivating”

Jordi is a committed personal trainer. He keeps a close eye on progress and provides motivation where necessary. Jordi knows a wide range of exercises and training, so that the training remains varied and intensive. He also knows a lot about the combination of sports and nutrition. ★★★★★
Mark van Vliet

Mark van Vliet, 27

“Enthusiastic coach”

Jordi is an enthusiastic and sympathetic coach. He decisively helps you achieve your goals. I definitely recommend the flexible muscle building program! ★★★★★ Read more.
Stephan Seijsener

Stephan Seijsener, 23

Committed, professional and honest.

Committed, professional and honest! And without having to register even one calorie. ★★★★★ Read more..
Jeffrey Siero

Jeffrey Siero, 32

Allemaal zonder zakken eiwit-poeder!

Met dank aan de persoonlijke begeleiding van Jordi de Haan ben ik 7kg aangekomen... gelukkig wel in spiermassa. ★★★★★ Lees verder
Cameron Inglis

Cameron Inglis, 25

“More muscle mass!”

Thanks to the guidance of Jordi de Haan, I have gained 6 kg and my condition has gone from bad to good. I had tried everything: from gym to applications on the phone. ★★★★★
Bart Oosterveer 2

Bart Oosterveer, 26

"Straight away. Expert. Goal oriented."

Jordi is expert. The instructional videos that I can watch for each exercise in the app are super useful; During the training I can quickly check how to perform the exercise and what points need attention. Jordi is goal oriented.... ★★★★★ Read more..
Ronald Beuker

Ronald Beuker, 48

“Committed coach!”

Jordi is a very committed and expert coach who takes the time for you and does everything he can to achieve the set goals. The 1 on 1 guidance is fantastic, thank you very much! ★★★★

Renze, 26

“Jordi listens well and ensures results.”

He is a good and enthusiastic coach. Every week he explains things to me and I also learn new things. It helps me during the sessions, but also during the week.★★★★★Read more.
Jelle Gijsbertsen

Jelle Gijsbertsen, 27

“Ik ben zo blij dat ik de stap heb gezet om met Jordi samen te werken”

Ik ben zo blij dat ik de stap heb gezet om met Jordi samen te werken. Ik had nooit gedacht dat ik zoveel progressie zou boeken in zo'n korte tijd. Niet alleen heb ik 12 kilo afgevallen, maar ik heb ook veel meer spiermassa opgebouwd. ★★★★★ Read more..

Niek Majong, 28

Niek Majong

His support keeps me going

For me, Jordi de Haan is the perfect coach to train with and work on flexible nutrition. Both in 1 on 1 training and with online coaching ★★★★★ Read more..
Progress Luuk

Luuk Rietveld, 28