

Through which values I you going to help with results

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“Your best friend”

At Jordi de Haan Personal Training I work in an informal way, so that you feel at ease and I can coach you with enthusiasm. I am professional, but I also think it is important that it is fun. That's why I can connect with anyone.



"Easy language"

I want to show you results as quickly as possible. I do this by sharing my knowledge with you in an understandable way. Results won't come in a few weeks, but it is possible to make progress every month. That's why I share my expertise and energy with you every day by explaining everything in simple terms.


'''s A guy in the city at night, a guy in the gym in the morning."

Monotonous methods don't work. A rice, chicken and vegetable diet and training seven days a week are unfeasible and unpleasant. A snack bar diet and daily doses of alcohol are also not healthy. A flexible diet that suits your lifestyle, efficient training and a social life are the keys to muscle mass.



“A personal trainer who hates unrealistic personal trainers”

10 kilos of muscle mass in 6 weeks? That is only possible with steroids. I don't work with steroids, so I can't help you with that. I will always give you honest advice about what is feasible. I attach great importance to science, so I only work with scientific sources. 


"Together we aim for continuous changes in the field of mental and physical fitness."

Avoid stopping training.

After downloading this e-book you can vear always build muscle mass in a flexible way. Download now free mine ebook: Everything about muscle mass

No thanks, I'd rather keep training without result 😉